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About Us


Welcome to Hopetiger your dedicated online store about products for babies. Who are we? We are a honest and serious company, who is specialized in the production and selling of high quality baby products.


Our specialities

It is not a secret that this kind of accessories are not easy to find or, to be more precise, that it is hard to discover high quality baby products. Especially the online world is full of websites that claim to offer valuable and inexpensive solutions, but are not able to provide them. We wanted to change this paradigm.  We wanted to offer you the best shopping experience and we know how stressful might be to insert credit card details for the first time on a new website, especially in such a competitive niche, where everyone seems to be the top online store for babies on the market. To eliminate this barrier, we contacted an external and safe provider, which will take care of the transactions, using the latest encryption technology and making sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible.


Your happiness, our mission

Customer's satisfaction is our only goal and we constantly work very hard to make sure our clients have a flawless experience. We take care of every issue that might arise before, during and after the order is placed, allowing you to shop in complete freedom and with the certainty of having a dedicated team backing you up.

We spend a lot of energy and resources researching the best baby products on the market and improving them, using our unique touch that our clients know and love. Our ability to produce high quality accessories allowed us to become one of the best dedicated store on the market, with hundreds of customers all around the world. In fact, thanks to our shipping team, we are able to provide worldwide shipping: you place the order and we bring your package directly at your door.


The uniqueness of our products

We not only offer products for sale, because we know that purchasing baby products does not mean to spend a fortune and that most people are looking for products that are fashionable and stylish, of high quality and cannot be found anywhere else. Therefore, we have implemented a wide selection of items for you to choose from. Furthermore, now you have the possibility to learn about our products' features directly on our site and than decide which one is the best for you and your baby.


Now it is on you

This is who we are and what we stand for. Now it is your time to make your baby a present. Browse around and take your time: you will find the accessories you were looking for.